
Showing posts from July, 2017
FIFTY MIND-BOGGLING YEARS IN ANN ARBOR Well I first moved to Ann Arbor in 1966 to attend The University of Michigan and have lived here ever since! In this blog, I will describe some thing that I've seen and done over the years in this totally awesome place. ONE-ARMED ROACH CLIP ON STEPS OF ANGELL HALL    Back in the days before campus cops, the central campus area was largely police-free unless some major crime happened…. And I loved to sit around smoking weed – one day on a nice sunny day I was sitting on a ledge by the steps of Angell Hall facing State St. And a rough-looking guy with an artificial arm walked by and said ‘can I have a toke on that.’ I replied that the joint was so short I needed a roach clip and before I could make one out of a split match... the man unscrewed his artificial arm and used its mechanical finger as a roach clip and we passed the artificial arm clip back and forth. We both toked and he said thanks – put his arm back on a...